Calendrier de Évènements
L lun
M mar
M mer
J jeu
V ven
S sam
D dim
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1 évènement,
L’Apéro Intermédiaires
L’Apéro Intermédiaires
Un apéro, un petit groupe, une discussion en français: voici notre recette secrète pour progresser sans crainte en français et finir gaiement la journée. Consommation non comprise
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1 évènement,
L’Apéro Débutants
L’Apéro Débutants
Too shy to speak French or still hesitant to freely start a conversation in french?Here is a great opportunity for you to practice your french while sharing a drink in a café. it is gonna be so helpful and soon you will feel at ease with us to start! Consumption not includedTrop timide pour…
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0 évènement,
1 évènement,
L’Apéro Intermédiaires
L’Apéro Intermédiaires
One of the best proven ways to progress the learning of a new language is to try communicating and conversing with others. In this “apéro” we offer you the opportunity to meet up in a group of people to discuss in french all along while enjoying a French cultural habit. Consumption not includedUn apéro, un…
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0 évènement,
0 évènement,
0 évènement,
0 évènement,
1 évènement,
L’Apéro Débutants
L’Apéro Débutants
Too shy to speak French or still hesitant to freely start a conversation in french? Here is a great opportunity for you to practice your french while sharing a drink in a café. It is gonna be so helpful and soon you will feel at ease with us to start! Consumption not includedTrop timide…
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0 évènement,
1 évènement,
L’Apéro Intermédiaires
L’Apéro Intermédiaires
One of the best proven ways to progress the learning of a new language is to try communicating and conversing with others. In this “apéro” we offer you the opportunity to meet up in a group of people to discuss in french all along while enjoying a French cultural habit. Consumption not includedUn apéro, un…
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0 évènement,
0 évènement,
0 évènement,
1 évènement,
Le dîner du mois
Le dîner du mois
This time, I propose that we meet once a month for dinner in a French restaurant to experience the French way of life. This could be a great opportunity to improve your French skills by chatting with locals, taking in the atmosphere and discovering French cuisine. You will only pay for your meal, however…
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1 évènement,
L’Apéro Débutants
L’Apéro Débutants
Too shy to speak French or still hesitant to freely start a conversation in french?Here is a great opportunity for you to practice your french while sharing a drink in a café. it is gonna be so helpful and soon you will feel at ease with us to start! Consumption not includedTrop timide pour…
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