L’Apéro Intermédiaires
Le Génie 4, Bld de Beaumarchais, PARISUn apéro, un petit groupe, une discussion en français: voici notre recette secrète pour progresser sans crainte en français et finir gaiement la journée. Consommation non comprise
L’Apéro Débutants
Les Associés 50, Bd de la Bastille, Parais, FranceToo shy to speak French or still hesitant to freely start a conversation in french?Here is a great opportunity for you to practice your french while sharing a drink in…
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L’Apéro Intermédiaires
Le Génie 4, Bld de Beaumarchais, PARISOne of the best proven ways to progress the learning of a new language is to try communicating and conversing with others. In this “apéro” we offer you the opportunity…
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L’Apéro Débutants
Les Associés 50, Bd de la Bastille, Parais, FranceToo shy to speak French or still hesitant to freely start a conversation in french? Here is a great opportunity for you to practice your french while sharing a drink…
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L’Apéro Intermédiaires
Le Génie 4, Bld de Beaumarchais, PARISOne of the best proven ways to progress the learning of a new language is to try communicating and conversing with others. In this “apéro” we offer you the opportunity…
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Le dîner du mois
M° Corvisart (L6)This time, I propose that we meet once a month for dinner in a French restaurant to experience the French way of life. This could be a great opportunity to…
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L’Apéro Débutants
Les Associés 50, Bd de la Bastille, Parais, FranceToo shy to speak French or still hesitant to freely start a conversation in french?Here is a great opportunity for you to practice your french while sharing a drink in…
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L’Apéro Débutants
Les Associés 50, Bd de la Bastille, Parais, FranceToo shy to speak French or still hesitant to freely start a conversation in french? Here is a great opportunity for you to practice your french while sharing a drink…
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L’Apéro Intermédiaires
Le Génie 4, Bld de Beaumarchais, PARISOne of the best proven ways to progress the learning of a new language is to try communicating and conversing with others. In this “apéro” we offer you the opportunity…
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Le dîner du mois
This time, I propose that we meet once a month for dinner in a French restaurant to experience the French way of life. This could be a great opportunity to…
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