
L’Apéro Intermédiaires

Le Génie 4, Bld de Beaumarchais, PARIS

One of the best proven ways to progress the learning of a new language is to try communicating and conversing with others. In this “apéro” we offer you the opportunity…
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Free à 15,00€

La Pause-Café Débutants

We’ll meet in a café to speak French and on the way, discover a new Parisian neighbourhood. Before you go, we’ll work on one aspect of the French language to…
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Free à 15,00€

L’Apéro Avancés

Le Café Populaire 25, avenue Ledru-Rollin, Paris

You still have some minor difficulties in french. Some words or some expressions you still don't get them! Come let’s have a drink and clear it out together. Consumption not…
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Free à 15,00€

La Pause-Café Débutants

We’ll meet in a café to speak French and on the way, discover a new Parisian neighbourhood. Before you go, we’ll work on one aspect of the French language to…
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Free à 15,00€

Le P’ti Déj’ Intermédiaires

Take your French to the next level in a cozy way! Ready to move beyond the basics? Join us for a relaxed and engaging French practice session! Our P'ti Déj…
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Free à 15,00€

L’Apéro Avancés

Le Café Populaire 25, avenue Ledru-Rollin, Paris

You still have some minor difficulties in french. Some words or some expressions you still don’t get them! Come let’s have a drink and clear it out together. Et bien,…
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Free à 15,00€