Tag: Beginners

Vignette ronde apéro en extérieur

L’Apéro Débutants – Confinés :Online

Too shy to speak French? Okay, let’s meet for an ‘apéro’ one evening to go at our own pace…Two hours is a pretty good start, don’t you think?   Consumption…
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Vignette ronde pause café

La Pause-Café Débutants

We’ll meet in a café to speak French and on the way, discover a new Parisian neighbourhood. Before you go, we’ll work on one aspect of the French language to…
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Vignette ronde pause café

La Pause-Café Débutants

We’ll meet in a café to speak French and on the way, discover a new Parisian neighbourhood. Before you go, we’ll work on one aspect of the French language to…
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Vignette ronde apéro en extérieur
Vignette ronde apéro en extérieur

L’Apéro Débutants

Too shy to speak French? Okay, let’s meet for an ‘apéro’ one evening to go at our own pace…Two hours is a pretty good start, don’t you think?   Consumption…
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Vignette ronde apéro en extérieur

L’Apéro Débutants

Too shy to speak French? Okay, let’s meet for an ‘apéro’ one evening to go at our own pace…Two hours is a pretty good start, don’t you think?   Consumption…
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Vignette ronde apéro en extérieur

L’Apéro Débutants

Too shy to speak French? Okay, let’s meet for an ‘apéro’ one evening to go at our own pace…Two hours is a pretty good start, don’t you think?   Consumption…
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Vignette ronde apéro en extérieur

Beginners Apero

Too shy to speak French? Okay, let’s meet for an ‘apéro’ one evening to go at our own pace…Two hours is a pretty good start, don’t you think?   Consumption…
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Vignette ronde apéro en extérieur
Vignette ronde apéro en extérieur